Our Mission







Through an accident in my youth I fractured my left femur close to the hip and spent the following fourteen years unconsciously compensating while favoring the injured leg. This created holding patterns in the muscles and tissues bringing mis-alignment to the structure of my body causing shortness, stiffness in the joints and pain. My Yoga, TaiJi and Qigong practice, has been vast, covering many areas of the world. They all began in 1993 at Ruth Hardy Park in Palm Springs, California. Four years later to deepen my understanding of Qigong, TaiJi and to learn Kung Fu and Taoist meditation, I studied at The Red Lotus School of Movement in Salt Lake City, Utah. At the same time, I studied privately the art of moving energy through the practice of Reiki and received Master Level Attainments. After seven years of my own movement and energy practice, I was certified to teach Yoga with the Sivananda Ashram in Woodbourne, New York. My Chinese Medical Qigong study and practice was through the Center of Motion in Palm Springs, California and I enhanced my Qigong and TaiJi skills studying with different Masters in various provinces of China. Through studying massage, anatomy, physiology and Soma Therapies, such as Craniosacral, at the Utah College of Massage Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah, I have come to understand how the body heals as well as how it creates disease. All of these forms of movement and energy modalities have given me a way to move gracefully with a sense of lift and confidence helping me become stronger, limber and more flexible. From this understanding I have realized that health and balance must be sought through all aspects of my being not just what I eat or how I exercise, but also and more importantly how I think, how I feel and how I see myself. My aim is to help you consciously create and live from a balanced life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

“Awareness of how I move, stand and carry myself is the most important key
to free what gets locked inside the body.”
-Kaleo Indigo